Extensible and powerful code editor for Javascript
StarCore package
If you want to use the editor for your vanilla js without any framework.
Choose your favorite package manager
_10pnpm install codecrush-core
_10npm install codecrush-core
_10yarn add codecrush-core
Getting started
_15import { initEditor } from "codecrush-core";_15import "codecrush-core/dist/index.css"; // styles from the core package_15_15const app = document.getElementById("app");_15_15if (app) {_15 initEditor({_15 height: 400,_15 id: "js-editor",_15 parent: app,_15 theme: "material-darker",_15 }).then(() => {_15 console.log("editor loaded");_15 });_15}
List of all themes included
_12export type EditorThemes =_12 | "dracula-soft"_12 | "material-darker"_12 | "material-default"_12 | "material-ocean"_12 | "material-palenight"_12 | "nord"_12 | "one-dark-pro"_12 | "poimandres"_12 | "rose-pine-moon"_12 | "rose-pine"_12 | "slack-dark";
Extending the editor
You can create custom components for the editor. The following example we create a component to register in the activity bar which key is pressed.
In this case we'll be using onReady
and onKeyPressed
events provided by the editor.
_30import { initEditor, Component, ActivityBarComponent } from "codecrush-core";_30import "codecrush-core/dist/index.css"; // styles from the core package_30_30class Example extends Component {_30 onReady() {_30 const activityBar =_30 this.editor.getComponent<ActivityBarComponent>("activity-bar"); // get the activity bar_30 activityBar.registerActivity("key-pressed", "Keyboard: ", false); // register a new entry with id and text_30 }_30_30 onKeyPressed(key: string) {_30 const activityBar =_30 this.editor.getComponent<ActivityBarComponent>("activity-bar");_30 activityBar.updateActivity("key-pressed", "Keyboard: " + key); //update the activity when the key is pressed_30 }_30}_30_30const app = document.getElementById("app");_30_30if (app) {_30 initEditor({_30 height: 400,_30 id: "js-editor",_30 parent: app,_30 theme: "material-darker",_30 components: [Example],_30 }).then(() => {_30 console.log("editor loaded");_30 });_30}
Codecrush React
A wrapper for the core package for react.
Choose your favorite package manager
_10pnpm install codecrush-core codecrush-react
_10npm install codecrush-core codecrush-react
_10yarn add codecrush-core codecrush-react
Getting started
_12import { Editor } from "codecrush-react";_12import "codecrush-core/dist/index.css"; // styles from the core package_12_12function App() {_12 return (_12 <div className="App">_12 <Editor height={400} id="js-editor" theme="material-darker" />_12 </div>_12 );_12}_12_12export default App;
List of all themes included
_12export type EditorThemes =_12 | "dracula-soft"_12 | "material-darker"_12 | "material-default"_12 | "material-ocean"_12 | "material-palenight"_12 | "nord"_12 | "one-dark-pro"_12 | "poimandres"_12 | "rose-pine-moon"_12 | "rose-pine"_12 | "slack-dark";
Extending the editor
You can create custom components for the editor. The following example we create a component to register in the activity bar which key is pressed.
In this case we'll be using onReady
and onKeyPressed
events provided by the editor.
_32import { Editor } from "codecrush-react";_32import "codecrush-core/dist/index.css"; // styles from the core package_32import { Component, ActivityBarComponent } from "codecrush-core";_32_32class Example extends Component {_32 onReady() {_32 const activityBar =_32 this.editor.getComponent<ActivityBarComponent>("activity-bar"); // get the activity bar_32 activityBar.registerActivity("key-pressed", "Keyboard: "); // register a new entry with id and text_32 }_32_32 onKeyPressed(key: string) {_32 const activityBar =_32 this.editor.getComponent <ActivityBarComponent>("activity-bar");_32 activityBar.updateActivity("key-pressed", "Keyboard: " + key); //update the activity when the key is pressed_32 }_32}_32_32function App() {_32 return (_32 <div className="App">_32 <Editor_32 height={400}_32 id="js-editor"_32 theme="material-darker"_32 components={[Example]}_32 />_32 </div>_32 );_32}_32_32export default App;
Made by JosueRhea