Extensible and powerful code editor for Javascript



Core package

If you want to use the editor for your vanilla js without any framework.


Choose your favorite package manager

pnpm install codecrush-core

npm install codecrush-core

yarn add codecrush-core

Getting started

import { initEditor } from "codecrush-core";
import "codecrush-core/dist/index.css"; // styles from the core package
const app = document.getElementById("app");
if (app) {
height: 400,
id: "js-editor",
parent: app,
theme: "material-darker",
}).then(() => {
console.log("editor loaded");


List of all themes included

export type EditorThemes =
| "dracula-soft"
| "material-darker"
| "material-default"
| "material-ocean"
| "material-palenight"
| "nord"
| "one-dark-pro"
| "poimandres"
| "rose-pine-moon"
| "rose-pine"
| "slack-dark";

Extending the editor

You can create custom components for the editor. The following example we create a component to register in the activity bar which key is pressed.

In this case we'll be using onReady and onKeyPressed events provided by the editor.

import { initEditor, Component, ActivityBarComponent } from "codecrush-core";
import "codecrush-core/dist/index.css"; // styles from the core package
class Example extends Component {
onReady() {
const activityBar =
this.editor.getComponent<ActivityBarComponent>("activity-bar"); // get the activity bar
activityBar.registerActivity("key-pressed", "Keyboard: ", false); // register a new entry with id and text
onKeyPressed(key: string) {
const activityBar =
activityBar.updateActivity("key-pressed", "Keyboard: " + key); //update the activity when the key is pressed
const app = document.getElementById("app");
if (app) {
height: 400,
id: "js-editor",
parent: app,
theme: "material-darker",
components: [Example],
}).then(() => {
console.log("editor loaded");

Codecrush React

A wrapper for the core package for react.


Choose your favorite package manager

pnpm install codecrush-core codecrush-react

npm install codecrush-core codecrush-react

yarn add codecrush-core codecrush-react

Getting started

import { Editor } from "codecrush-react";
import "codecrush-core/dist/index.css"; // styles from the core package
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Editor height={400} id="js-editor" theme="material-darker" />
export default App;


List of all themes included

export type EditorThemes =
| "dracula-soft"
| "material-darker"
| "material-default"
| "material-ocean"
| "material-palenight"
| "nord"
| "one-dark-pro"
| "poimandres"
| "rose-pine-moon"
| "rose-pine"
| "slack-dark";

Extending the editor

You can create custom components for the editor. The following example we create a component to register in the activity bar which key is pressed.

In this case we'll be using onReady and onKeyPressed events provided by the editor.

import { Editor } from "codecrush-react";
import "codecrush-core/dist/index.css"; // styles from the core package
import { Component, ActivityBarComponent } from "codecrush-core";
class Example extends Component {
onReady() {
const activityBar =
this.editor.getComponent<ActivityBarComponent>("activity-bar"); // get the activity bar
activityBar.registerActivity("key-pressed", "Keyboard: "); // register a new entry with id and text
onKeyPressed(key: string) {
const activityBar =
this.editor.getComponent <ActivityBarComponent>("activity-bar");
activityBar.updateActivity("key-pressed", "Keyboard: " + key); //update the activity when the key is pressed
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
export default App;

Made by JosueRhea